I know that sounds crazy eh?
But chances are, after the break-up with your last ex, you do move on, you met different people, some might tell you about their feeling for you... but what if you do not have the same feeling back?
then I go solo for a while until now...
Looking back to my ex, the total of girlfriends he had since the break-up is around FIVE OR SO.. And me? Logically and sensibly, I didn't involve in any romantic relationship like a girlfriend-boyfriend do since... December 2007, two f*cking years ago. But I have to be thankful for I had these two years such a BLAST! Right after my break-up I could be so free to do anything 'til now. I almost have anything I want so far. =)
Then when it comes for love life, if you were me, you might think "What's so wrong with me? Why couldn't I like those who'd love to be with me? or Why can't I just like those who like me?" Simple huh!
I cannot please everyone by doing something I do not like.
I learn that it is so OK to say NO.
Then you might realize that if you were me, you would see that you currently have such LOUSY love life. Hahaha! Pathetic eh? At least we can still admit it and laugh it off. Or at least... you still have some single friends to share with.